11 avril 2009

Note To The Searchers

Fondation BISMUTH-LEMAITRE Présidente : Christiane GUYMER 13, rue de Mulhouse 75002 PARIS, FRANCE Fax :
  • As our publications and various works, which we endeavour to make people know about, meet more and more interest, and in regard to the considerable increasing number of searchers, we think that now, it is here necessary to give you informations about the places where those documents can be consulted. Now, a few of those books are rare, sometimes they can be expensive and even completely sold out.
  • As a matter or fact, long ago, we have been concerned with free-gift (over and above the deposit of duty-copies to the French National Library, that very deposit had never been totally respected by the external editors, except by us), by giving most of the documents and published works and even very limited editions to various libraries and institutes the addresses of which you will find hereunder. Henceforth, you can enquire them to carry out your research.
  • For, from now on, our very means, which have always been small, are now no more sufficient to face the searchers' legitimate expectations. Besides, in anticipation of our difficulties of the present time, a long time ago, we started into bestowal politics.
  • Except very specifical cases, which we shall try to take into account, and considering our very restrained possibilities, now, we pray you to call upon the following French and foreign libraries and institutes.
  1. - Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, http://www.bnf.fr
  2. - Bibliothèque Publique d' Information au Centre Pompidou, Paris.
  3. - Bibliothèque Kandinsky du Musée d' Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, www. Centre Pompidou.fr.musee/documentation
  4. - Bibliothèque, Musée de l' Arsenal, Paris.
  5. - Archives de France, Paris.
  6. - Bibliothèque L' Alliance Israëlite Universelle, Paris.
  7. - Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA.
  8. - Library, The Getty Centre Santa Monica, Californie, USA.
  9. - Library of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New-York, USA.
  10. - Widener Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., USA.
  11. - The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archives, Miami Beach, Floride, USA.
  12. - The American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
  13. - Library, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  14. - Bodlein Library, University of Oxford, U.K.
  15. - Taylor Institution Library, St. Giles, Oxford, U.K, http://www/taylib.ox.ac.uk
  16. telnet://library.ox.ac.uk
  17. - Bibliothèque, Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt-am-Main, Allemagne.
  18. - Museum of Modern Art, New-York, USA.
  19. - Library, Courtauld's Institute of Arts, London, U.K.
  20. - Musée du Louvre, Documentation, Département des Antiquités Egyptiennes, Paris.
  21. - Maison de l' Orient Méditerranéen , Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon.
  22. - Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Collège de France.
  23. - Institut de Recherches et d' Etudes sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman, Aix-en-Provence.
  24. - Ben Zvi-Institute Study of Jewish Communities, Jerusalem, Israël.
  25. - Bibliothèque, Institut Français d' Archéologie orientale, Le Caire, Egypte.
  26. - The American Jewish Historical Society New-York.
  27. - Musée d' Art et d' Histoire du Judaïsme, Paris.
  28. - Centre International de Poésie, Musée de la Vieille Charité, Marseille, France.
  29. - Société Française de Photographie, Paris, France.