24 avril 2009

Precise Details About The Commercial References Inscribed On My photos by Maurice Lemaître

  • During more than 50 years of ma creation in the field of photography, the references (printing, signature, etc.) set on, or back my negatives went through several periods :
  • 1) A first one during which either no mention was inscribed, or only very incomplete indications.
  • 2) During th second era, one can find : my signature (on, or back the photo), the date of the original matrix, the number of printings which were done (or provided), in the ratio of the picture, and the printing number of the print.
  • The unrecorded printings which are added to numbered and signed books belong to that category and can't be separated from the whole book without damage.
  • 3) A third period during which I gave even more references, in the way I describe in my book "Expo-Vente (Oeuvre Corporelle), suivie de Talismans Lettristes", published by the Centre de Créativité, in 1993.
  • 4) At last, since the year 2.000, as I wrote it in my Foreword to my book, "Photos Lettristes (érotiques ?)", I diverged from those commercial fields and I regarded as valid, first from the aesthetical point of view, any photo, whatever it may be, which I approved and authenticated thanks to my original paraph.
  • As a consequence, on and after this day, I'll leave the question of the value of my photographies, at their own creative and commercial risks, to the lovers or the experts of my works.
  • Maurice Lemaître
  • 24 janvier 2005
  • .